The principle of equal exchange

The principle of equal exchange

The principle of equal exchange is the understanding that everything in the world is an energetic exchange. Whatever we give to others, create, do, comes back to us in various forms. Depending on what we give and with what intention, we get a return, for example in the form of money, appreciation, thanks, a smile, sometimes less directly and sometimes what comes back to us is not very pleasant, which may mean that we unconsciously reproduce some destructive pattern.

When in a relationship, whether private or in business, the exchange is equal, take money for example, that is, when both parties feel that what they give and receive in return to each other is right. They feel it. There is a flow. Sometimes reality confirms it, too.

Let me give an example from my life.

During a recent vacation, a warm friend of mine invited me to spend a few days at the seaside in their shared family cottage – a trailer.When I asked what the cost was, she replied that none, because it was their cottage.I suggested that in that case I would take the trip and drive us there.Together we stwiqerzed that we would just share the cost on the fly instead of calculating something meticulously. And so we commuted pleasantly, the group was a bit larger and grew a bit more during those few days. On the other hand, since the two of us together with my friend’s adult son were sort of in the same budget, once I paid for dinner, once they did, and the same with shopping.

I would also add that we were guided by a common goal, and although it was not verbally and explicitly defined, before the trip we exchanged some wishes about the trip and how each of us likes to spend our time. So there was also agreement on a common goal, taking into account the perspectives and needs of each participant.

And so we had a nice time full of great conversations, inspiration, relaxation, being in nature, in good company, with delicious food, sea, sun, rain, games and laughter.

On the last day we still decided to take an excursion to spend the whole day in another place, also sharing the costs, and still at the end we loosely agreed that they friends take lunch and desserts with coffee and I take fuel.

The last day passed us by just as splendidly as the others before, no excesses, bliss, relaxation and heaps of laughter. That’s all we needed for happiness.

On the way back we stopped the station to refuel. And according to the arrangement, I paid. It came out 264,85 zloty. I felt something so positive and at the same time an impulse that I think the amount the previous way was somehow strangely similar. I glanced at the invoice and indeed so was 264.53 zloty. I smiled and the thought immediately came, “our intention has been fulfilled.” It was an even exchange.

This is a small-scale example of how an intention, a common goal and an exchange of people who share the same goal works on a small scale, without hidden agendas, expectations and other unconscious schemes. There is a flow, there is a feeling of good exchange. Without going into details, fragmenting, calculating, proving.

This works the exact same way in every case, in friendships, in romantic relationships, in business. When the exchange becomes unequal, there is tugging, grinding, a sense of being taken advantage of, a sense of superiority and expectations. All sorts of things are deeply hidden when the exchange is unequal.

And yet it is possible to do things differently.

A common goal and common direction based on pure intention is the basis of equal exchange. Action then comes smoothly, with everyone taking what he or she thinks is right at the time.
And the world only confirms this.

Good exchange and flow.

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