Individual Clients

How can we work together?

Your Unique Creative Potential

Each of us is different, unique, unrepeatable. This is why the saying: “What is good for me is not necessarily good for you and vice versa” is so important and so true in my opinion. You are served by something different in your life than I am and that is fine, it is right. That is what diversity is.

Personal and spiritual development is a journey into oneself. It is often not easy or pleasant, at least at some stage. There are no quick fixes or miracle cures that work in five minutes. This journey requires commitment, working on oneself and making choices. However, it is a liberating and freedom-giving journey. Freedom to be yourself. Freedom is a personal truth and a unique journey.

You have all you need within, and the rest you can learn.

This is the journey I invite you to take.

It’s time to get going! 

Why do we need personal and spiritual growth?

  • Expanding awareness
  • Recognizing and embodying your own potential, your own authenticity
  • Improving the quality of life at every level
  • Deep self-acceptance
  • Building healthy and supportive relationships with others and the environment
  • Better understanding of the surrounding reality
  • Letting go of what we have no control over

What will change and what will you learn?

  • What works for you and what doesn’t and how to make the right decisions.
  • Better and right ways of doing things for you, consistent with who you are.
  • What motivates you, what makes sense for you.
  • Assertive reactions instead of learned, often toxic patterns.
  • How to establish and build sincere, lasting relationships with people, including romantic relationships.
  • How to find the path to professional fulfillment and how to follow it.
  • How to deal with difficulties and adversities on your path.
  • And many other practical aspects that will improve the quality of your life.

How do we work?

One-on-one sessions take place online. Once you have bought a session, you shall receive a link to your appointment.

Payment is made before the session or before the first session if you opt for a package. 

You do not need any special preparation for the session, just think about the topic you want to work with.

Coaching or Mentoring is most effective if it is a process, i.e. the process has at least few sessions. Sometimes a single session is also helpful, but it is not a process. It is best if the sessions are at weekly, maximum two-week intervals. Then the change is permanent.

Coaching and mentoring work is a partnership work, which takes place by mutual agreement of both parties. The coach, mentor guides the client through the process. She/He is the person responsible for the safe process, the tools, the confidentiality. The client is the person taking action and taking responsibility for his/her part of the process and implementing the changes he/she deems appropriate within his/her discoveries and current capacities.

Price list for individual sessions

Individual session of Life Coaching or Business Coaching – online 1h: PLN 350

Package of 6 Life Coaching or Business Coaching sessions – online (1h each session): PLN 1575

Workshops and Trips – prices available prior to the event

*Prices quoted are gross prices (including VAT). If you require an invoice, please notify us before the first payment.

Workshops and Trips

Diamond Mine

Live your potential - sessions, workshops and trips to unlock and embody individual potential

Dance with life

Inspirational and relational workshops and trips

Dreamers Club

Discover your dreams and make them come true! Workshops and creative trips

Her Way

Power programme for women - discovering, experiencing and embodying one's own individual expression

Lead Your Path

Create your own business out of passion, sense of purpose and vocation

Genius Spark

Creative workshops to discover your creative genius

Her Leadership

Leadership with a feminine style, program for women

Future of work

Professions of the future - group workshops and individual sessions

Photo gallery of workshops and lectures