Business And Organizations

How can we work together?

Developing potential of people and organizations by creating structures based on self-organization, diversity, common goals and values, and a long-term vision.

Inspired Organization

Is a transformational program for the entire organization, shifting, creating and developing the organizational culture at all levels.

An Inspiring Organization is a Living Organization in which the structures are flexible but firm and reative instead of being rigid and too limiting.

The program as a whole, consisting of the following levels, lasts 6 months.

The remaining levels are also available in the form of shorter transformational and training modules.

Foundations of an Inspiring Organization

Self-Awareness * Purpose * Agility * Autonomy * Authenticity * Resilience * Creativity * Innovation * Collaboration

Inspired Organisation Program:

  • The Meaning and Purpose of the Organization’s Existence
  • Mission, Vision, Values
  • Self-organization
  • Innovations
  • Organizational Potential

Inspired Leadership Program:

  • Leadership training in leadership competencies
  • Individual work with leaders and their individual style
  • Developing the potential of teams and people
  • Business ethics

Inspired Teams Program:

  • Creating well-coordinated teams – diverse and cooperating competencies as the key to team success
  • DISC D3 tool – team competency survey
  • Creative team workshops
  • Relationships and communication

Inspired Talents Program:

  • Development of individual potential – establishing an individual development path
  • DISC D3 tool – competence assessment
  • Individual coaching
  • Individual mentoring
  • Direct Talent Search

„The team is a system and at the same time a component of other more complex systems.” R. Szewczak, J. Grela, M. Bloch

What more do I Offer?

Other services in the form of sessions, webinars and workshops:

  • Team and group coaching 
  • Coaching and Mentoring for Leaders 
  • Executive Coaching and Executive Mentoring 
  • Initiating creativity and innovation workshops 
  • Building relationships in teams and groups workshops 
  • Creative problem solving workshops 
  • Cross-cultural coaching

"Give people the freedom to act and they will surprise you with their ingenuity."
Peter F. Drucker

Where do we start our cooperation?

  • Recognize the needs and situation in the organization
  • Establish the purpose, effect, scope and principles of cooperation
  • Establish and address risks
  • Establishing timeframes for longer cooperation and carrying out the process
  • Signing a contract (longer cooperation) or order (single sessions, workshops, webinars)

What does your organisation gain?

Your Business or Organization Gains:

  • Increased flexibility, efficiency and adaptation to change
  • Increased innovation
  • Increased satisfaction of all stakeholders
  • Improved engagement and overall well-being of colleagues
  • Good relationships, sense of purpose, clarity of direction
  • Improved quality of services and products

„An ossified team is one that has not developed for a long time, but only performs duties.” I. Bielińska, Z. Jakubczyńska